About Second Source
The ability for anyone to publish anything makes it difficult to identify which sources are true and false. Internet (websites, social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat) became leading way to publish/disseminate information. There are many positives that the internet assists news organizations with, most notable, ease and speed of access. However, a lot of the times journalism institutions regurgitate the same type of stories, with the similar sources, and often, with the same type of tone. We don’t want to replicate stories, instead what we want to create them.
Our Vision
Second Source is a sole-proprietor, that provides Canadians with a voice in the news they want to hear
Letting audiences send in stories/news that interests them
Our Mission
Based in Toronto, serving all of Canada, our content will be based off our findings of what interests the general public through likes and shares
We want to develop quality content by focusing on stories that encourage and inspire our readers
Our journalistic organization will be remain objective